Join our community for learning and engagement opportunities ranging in topics from Jewish Parenting to Torah Study.
New Learning Opportunity: Small Group Torah Study
Are you interested in deepening your Jewish knowledge? Do you want to do it in a more intimate fashion? Rabbi Ain is available for small group Torah study on various issues. Whether you are interested in looking at the relevance of the weekly portion, an examination of the 613 mitzvot, how to think about Jewish spirituality, or more, don't hesitate to be in touch.
There are a number of groups that have been formed where SPS members have joined together to form a small group and engage in this kind of study.
If you are interested, please form a group of 3-5 people and reach out to Rabbi Ain. We will find monthly times during the weekday hours to get together (on zoom!) and study!
Join us for our upcoming programming:
Weekly Torah Study with The Clergy- Friday mornings @ 9 am. On zoom, with rotating clergy: Each week heading into Shabbat, our group meets to review the weekly sedra (Torah reading), both to attain familiarity with our foundational laws and stories, and also to discuss the various themes. We don’t shy away from hard questions, and we learn in a way that invites learners of all backgrounds and familiarity with the text.
Living Judaism with Rabbi Dave - Thursdays from 6:30 - 8 PM through February 6 - June 12, 2025: Living Judaism is taught through a collaborative educational partnership with the Miller Introduction to Judaism Program of American Jewish University. We will explore Jewish culture, history, and wisdom in a setting where questions are more important than answers. Special experiences will include a Shabbat celebration, field experiences, mentorship, and more. Register here
The Prophets with Rabi Dave Levy - Wednesdays @ 12:00 pm, minus Jewish holidays and vacation weeks. In-person: Join us weekly as we read and explore the messages of the Prophetic section of the Bible. This year will focus on the "Latter Prophets" and use Abraham Joshua Heschel's writings to illuminate our studies.
Writing Your Jewish Journey - Taught by Roberta Hershenson. First Friday of the month @ 10:30 am, in person at SPS. (Please note dates for the fall are a little less regular due to the holidays, please confirm meeting dates with Abby at ajohnson@spsnyc.org.): Some paths in Judaism are unwavering, while others take sharp and unexpected turns. This in-person course will help you unravel the knots of a story only you can write—the story of your Jewish journey. Participants will read their writing aloud for gentle guidance from the group, as we reflect on the spiritual challenges and insights that have shaped our lives. Participants are invited to email their work biweekly for feedback. Registration required to Abby at ajohnson@spsnyc.org. Roberta is a multi-faceted writer who covered arts & culture for The NY Times for two decades. She ghost-wrote a memoir and completed 2 novels. Learn more at www.robertahershenson.com
Becoming the Best Versions of Ourselves: Studying Mussar with Rabbi Ain - For questions, email rabbiain@spsnyc.org - 4 sessions, Mondays, November 4, December 2, January 6, February 3 - in person @ 7 PM: Join Rabbi Ain as we look at various character traits such as generosity, compassion, humility, and patience that we hope to embody as we grow in this year ahead.
Young Couples Group with Rabbi Ain - The group will meet @ 7 pm, in person, on Nov. 6, Dec. 12, Jan. 8 & Feb. 5. Registration is required: Starting your life with another person is very exciting and also is an opportunity to clarify the home you are building together. Join Rabbi Ain and other couples as you explore how Jewish tradition can ignite conversations about your Jewish home. Topics will include how to talk about money, how to think about Jewish education for yourself and your family, what it means to be part of a larger Jewish community, and how to create sacred time for you and your loved one. Register here
Down the Rabbit Hole: Discovering Jewish Themes in Pop Culture with Rabbinic Intern Eitan Bloostein - Wednesdays, @ 7 pm, n person November 20, December 4, January 22: Has your favorite TV show or movie ever referenced something Jewish? Have you ever wanted to jump down that rabbit hole? This is your opportunity! Come discover what Jewish themes pop-culture is really referencing with Rabbinic Intern Eitan Bloostein. We will start by discovering themes of exile and return with the Rose family in “Schitts Creek” before we turn to exploring Taylor Swift’s biblical references. Please reach out to Eitan if you have a favorite pop-culture Jewish rabbit hole that you want to explore!
On One Foot with Rabbi Dave - Saturdays , November 16, 23, 30, December 7, 14, 21, January 4, 11, 18, 25, February 1, 8, 15 at 12 pm, in person. Registration is required: The introduction of Living Judaism has led to an interest among more experienced members of our community to review the basics of Jewish life and learning. Join Rabbi Dave for a modified version of the Living Judaism curriculum on Shabbat afternoons following kiddush. Who knows what you might discover? Register here
Torah Group Chat with Rabbinic Intern Eitan Bloostein and Ariel Freidman - Join our Torah group chat (on Whatsapp) as we invite people to discuss, comment on, and learn from the weekly torah portion! In a year where our phones have been the source of so much anxiety and stress, we will use this group chat as a way to see what wisdom we can bring from our texts - the ultimate combination of modern and ancient. We will schedule 3-4 times over the course of the year to come together in person to learn Torah together. Join the chat here
Young Professionals Grief Group - Mondays, @ 8-9 pm, on zoom, in 2025 start time is 8:15 pm. Oct. 14, Nov. 11, Dec. 16, Jan. 6, Feb 3, March 3, April 7, and May 12: We are proud to host a monthly virtual Grief Group for members of our YP cmmunity who have lost an immediate loved one. The group is facilitated by Rabbi Rachel Ain. Reach out to Rabbi Ain for more infromation at rabbiain@spsnyc.org.
Israeli popular music as interpretive prayer with Cantor Cattan - Tuesdays @ 7 PM on zoom, January 7 & 21, and February 11: Israeli popular music can be seen as interpretive prayer, poetry that arises directly and/or creatively as a unique and extraordinary form of liturgy. In this course, we will explore, study, and get inspired by contemporary and timely expressions of prayer that can inspire us personally . We will cover the Israeli state's founding poets, musical legends, and newcomers alike, who help us connect not only to the individual artists but also to liturgy in a more expansive way, and to Israel’s history (both in wartime and peacetime), her resilience, her beauty, and her personal and collective stories.
Continuing Hebrew for Beginners with Michal Nachmany - 6 sessions at 1 hour each on Monday nights, 7-8 pm January 13, 27, February 3, 10, 17 (Zoom), March 3. The teacher is Michal Nachmany. Registration is required. $180 for SPS members/ $250 for non-members: Michal Nachmany, who grew up in Jerusalem, has been teaching Beginner Hebrew in NYC for many years, focusing on active learning with individualized attention, a technique adapted to various learning styles, and a touch of Israeli culture. The course builds on our first Beginning Hebrew Class and is for students who can read Hebrew but would like to go deeper in their knowledge. Register here
#SPStalks Featuring John Podhoretz - Followed by a discussion with Jeremy Reiss and Rabbi Ain on Wednesday, January 15 @ 7 PM, in person. Join us as we hear reflections from John Podhoretz, an SPS member, who is the Editor of Commentary Magazine, a podcast host, and the author of several books on politics.
Jewish New York with Rabbi Dave Wednesday, March 26 @7 PM in person: What is Jewish about New York City? -Besides everything? Join Rabbi Dave to take a look at some uniquely Jewish New York City history and places.
Paging Dr. Maimonides with Rabbi Dave - Wednesday, March 5 @ 7 PM in person at SPS: Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon-AKA Rambam or Maimonides was a famous rabbi and Jewish legal authority, did you know he was also a physician? His medieval medical teachings are fascinating but are they accurate? Join Rabbi Dave and some of our community's doctors to study the sources and put them to a modern medical stress test. No referrals needed.
Understanding Jewish Community with Rabbi Ain - Wednesday, March 19th @ 7 pm: Who are the people in your neighborhood? Sutton Place Synagogue is surrounded by many Jewish organizations that have a tremendous impact on Jewish life which helps Jews thrive. Join Rabbi Ain to understand the "alphabet soup" of Jewish organizations and how these local, national, and global organizations that are both in their legacy stages and start up phases make up the important web of Jewish life that provide the inspiration, services, and support to Jews all over the world.
Tefillah Boot Camp with Cantor Cattan - Tuesdays @ 7 PM, in person at SPS March 25, April 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29: This introductory Tefillah course explores the structure, meaning, and spiritual significance of Jewish prayer, guiding participants through key prayers and their nusach (melodic modes). It aims to deepen participants' connection to prayer, and to train the participants in leading weekdays services. Participants should be able to read Hebrew.
Click below to see past programming
Adult Hebrew Class with Michal Nachmany
Talmud’s Greatest Hits with Rabbinic Intern Eitan Bloostein
Death and Memory: The sacred conversations we need to have
Religious school for Parents with Rabbi Ain
Shabbat Afternoon Study with Rabbi Ain
Spiritual Faith Journey with Rabbi Ain
Music of Jewish Movements with Cantor Malachi
Hosts & Guests with Rabbinic Intern Benjy Forester
Jewish Parenting with Rabbi Ain
Upcoming Programs
Past Programs