Daily Minyan
Morning Minyan: Hybrid on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and virtual only on Tuesday and Thursday. On National holidays we will be virtual on Mondays and begin at 9:15 AM.
8:00 AM | Monday through Friday
Join Zoom Meeting: https://spsnyc-org.zoom.us/j/96854185910
Meeting ID: 968 5418 5910
Call-in Number: 646-876-9923
Email Abby at ajohnson@spsnyc.org for the password.
Evening Minyan: Virtual only
5:45 PM | Sunday through Thursday
Hybrid on Mondays and Wednesdays
Join Zoom Meeting: https://spsnyc-org.zoom.us/j/96459793886
Meeting ID: 964 5979 3886
Call-in Number: 646-876-9923
Email Abby at ajohnson@spsnyc.org for the password.