Your generous support of Sutton Place Synagogue ensures we are able to offer our schools, programs, and services to all in Midtown East and beyond who are in search of Jewish life that will inspire, educate, and engage.
You can make a gift online at any time by clicking here. You can also make a donation by mailing a check made out to Sutton Place Synagogue to 225 East 51st Street, NY, NY 10022 or on the phone by calling 212-593-3300.
Donations of all sizes allow us to thrive as a congregation and as a community. They are also wonderful ways to celebrate a simcha, mark a life cycle event, or remember a loved one.
We are always excited to talk about how you’d like to support SPS - you can be in touch at any time with Abby Johnson, Director of Membership, Development and Strategy, at ajohnson@spsnyc.org and 212-593-3300x112.
Thank you for your generosity.
Our annual fund allows to ensure all operating costs are met as well as to allow us to grow as a congregation. Watch Barbara Zinn Moore’s Yom Kippur Appeal for 2024 and make your donation to support SPS here. Donations to the Yom Kippur are an immediate and effective way to ensure SPS thrives!
Click here to make a donation in honor or in memory of a loved one - please include anyone you’d like to notify of your donation in the section labeled PAYMENT NOTES. You can also choose to sponsor a kiddush after services or sponsor the Virtual Shabbat Fund to mark an occasion during the weekly Shabbat services. To see what dates are available, contact Abby at ajohnson@spsnyc.org
SPS is always thriled to receive support via a grant from a family foundation or a donor advised fund. Please look for us under “Jewish Center for United Nations.”
You can double (or sometimes even triple) the impact of your gift by checking to see if your employer matches charitable gifts made by employees. Talk to your Human Resources representative today about eligibility and instructions; if you cannot locate us under the name Sutton Place Synagogue, look for us under Jewish Center for the United Nations. If a match is on its way or you have questions, please contact Abby at ajohnson@spsnyc.org.
If you are over 70 years old, you can make a donation to SPS directly from your IRA account. The withdrawal of funds from the IRA is not taxable to you.
Under current tax rules, you can fulfill (all or in part) your required minimum distribution (RMD) by making a charitable donation directly from your IRA funds to SPS without paying any income tax on withdrawals provided the following applies:
You are over the age of 70.5
The charitable contribution is paid directly from your IRA to SPS
Your total IRA charitable gifts do not exceed $100,000
You do not receive an economic benefit from SPS in exchange for the donation
Contact your financial advisor to see if supporting SPS via RMD is right for you and then get in touch with us!
Stock donations are a great way to support SPS. Please see the instructions on how to make a stock donation below; you must notify Abby at SPS (ajohnson@spsnyc.org) when you make a stock donation to ensure proper receipt and allocation.
Stock donations
a. Transfers should be made directly to the Schwab account
b. All DTC-Eligible Securities:
i. All deliveries MUST include
1. Client name: Jewish Center for the United Nations
2. Schwab account number: 7377-1297
3. Delivery to DTC Clearing 0164, Code 40
SPS would be honored to work with you to ensure a lasting legacy for you with our synagogue via planned giving. Please be in touch with Abby at ajohnson@spsnyc.org to discuss.
Together, we can ensure our safety, enrich our community, and grow our reach. Learn more about how our capital campaign continues by contacting Abby at ajohnson@spsnyc.org.
There are so many ways to support SPS. Becoming a member, attending our high holiday services, listing loved ones in our Book of Remembrance, participating in our Purim Mishloach Manot Campaign, giving to those in need via our Passover Relief Fund, attending our Annual gala or listing a journal ad, and more all important ways to engage with our community. If there are other ways you’d like to support SPS, please be in touch - your giving can and should be personally meaningful to you. Thank you for your incredible support.