Upcoming Events

Tefillah Boot Camp with Cantor Cattan

Tefillah Boot Camp with Cantor Cattan

This introductory Tefillah course explores the structure, meaning, and spiritual significance of Jewish prayer, guiding participants through key prayers and their nusach (melodic modes). It aims to deepen participants’ connection to prayer, and to train the participants in leading weekday services. Participants should be able to read Hebrew.

In person at SPS

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Prophets Class with Rabbi Dave (In person at SPS)

Prophets Class with Rabbi Dave (In person at SPS)

Wednesdays @ 12:00 pm, minus Jewish holidays and vacation weeks. In-person Join us weekly as we read and explore the messages of the Prophetic section of the Bible. This year will focus on the "Latter Prophets" and use Abraham Joshua Heschel's writings to illuminate our studies.

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Living Judaism

Living Judaism

Living Judaism is taught through a collaborative educational partnership with the Miller Introduction to Judaism Program of American Jewish University. We will explore Jewish culture, history, and wisdom in a setting where questions are more important than answers. Special experiences will include a Shabbat celebration, field experiences, mentorship, and more.

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Mensch Matters with the Men's Club

Mensch Matters with the Men's Club

Monday, March 31st:

We invite Men to join the Men’s Club for a new group that will meet three times this spring to focus on issues confronting Jewish men. Come together in a safe space to listen and share as we support each other on our journeys.

Contact Rabbi Dave for more Information.

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Tefillah Boot Camp with Cantor Cattan

Tefillah Boot Camp with Cantor Cattan

This introductory Tefillah course explores the structure, meaning, and spiritual significance of Jewish prayer, guiding participants through key prayers and their nusach (melodic modes). It aims to deepen participants’ connection to prayer, and to train the participants in leading weekday services. Participants should be able to read Hebrew.

In person at SPS

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April Fools with Alan Zweibel

April Fools with Alan Zweibel

All ages are welcome, as long as you like to laugh, as we welcome Alan Zweibel, an Emmy and Tony award-winning comedy writer who was one of the original writers on Saturday Night Live. He also wrote for It's Garry Shandling's Show, Curb your Enthusiasm and 700 Sundays with Billy Crystal.

Followed by a Q&A, book signing and reception.

RSVPs encouraged, to boco@spsnyc.org

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Living Judaism

Living Judaism

Living Judaism is taught through a collaborative educational partnership with the Miller Introduction to Judaism Program of American Jewish University. We will explore Jewish culture, history, and wisdom in a setting where questions are more important than answers. Special experiences will include a Shabbat celebration, field experiences, mentorship, and more.

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My Jewish Journey

My Jewish Journey

Some paths in Judaism are unwavering, while others take sharp and unexpected turns. This in-person course will help you unravel the knots of a story only you can write—the story

of your Jewish journey.

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Tefillah Boot Camp with Cantor Cattan

Tefillah Boot Camp with Cantor Cattan

This introductory Tefillah course explores the structure, meaning, and spiritual significance of Jewish prayer, guiding participants through key prayers and their nusach (melodic modes). It aims to deepen participants’ connection to prayer, and to train the participants in leading weekday services. Participants should be able to read Hebrew.

In person at SPS

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Morning Minyan (hybrid)

Morning Minyan (hybrid)

This morning minyan is hybrid as it will conclude with the Passover Siyyum.

Morning Minyan: In Person Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and virtual Monday-Friday. On National holidays we will be virtual on Mondays and begin at 9:15 AM.

8:00 AM | Monday through Friday

Join Zoom Meeting: https://spsnyc-org.zoom.us/j/96854185910

Meeting ID: 968 5418 5910
Call-in Number: 646-876-9923

Email Abby at ajohnson@spsnyc.org for the password.

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Living Judaism

Living Judaism

Living Judaism is taught through a collaborative educational partnership with the Miller Introduction to Judaism Program of American Jewish University. We will explore Jewish culture, history, and wisdom in a setting where questions are more important than answers. Special experiences will include a Shabbat celebration, field experiences, mentorship, and more.

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Morning Minyan virtual only

Morning Minyan virtual only

This minyan is virtual only as SPS will be closed due to construction.

Morning Minyan: In Person Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and virtual Monday-Friday. On National holidays we will be virtual on Mondays and begin at 9:15 AM.

8:00 AM | Monday through Friday

Join Zoom Meeting: https://spsnyc-org.zoom.us/j/96854185910

Meeting ID: 968 5418 5910
Call-in Number: 646-876-9923

Email Abby at ajohnson@spsnyc.org for the password.

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Ma’ariv & Kabbalat Shabbat Service

Ma’ariv & Kabbalat Shabbat Service

Please note that on Friday, April 11, SPS services will be held at Or Olam (308 E 55th St); we will still be on our Zoom and livestream below.


Join Zoom Meeting: https://spsnyc-org.zoom.us/j/92485489997?
Meeting ID: 924 8548 9997
Call-in Number: 646 876 9923
Email ajohnson@spsnyc.org for the password


Stream services on the services portal (no password required).

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Ma’ariv & Kabbalat Shabbat Service at Or Olam

Ma’ariv & Kabbalat Shabbat Service at Or Olam

Please note that on Friday, April 18, SPS services will be held at Or Olam (308 E 55th St); we will still be on our Zoom and livestream below.


Join Zoom Meeting: https://spsnyc-org.zoom.us/j/92485489997?
Meeting ID: 924 8548 9997
Call-in Number: 646 876 9923
Email ajohnson@spsnyc.org for the password


Stream services on the services portal (no password required).

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Tefillah Boot Camp with Cantor Cattan

Tefillah Boot Camp with Cantor Cattan

This introductory Tefillah course explores the structure, meaning, and spiritual significance of Jewish prayer, guiding participants through key prayers and their nusach (melodic modes). It aims to deepen participants’ connection to prayer, and to train the participants in leading weekday services. Participants should be able to read Hebrew.

In person at SPS

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Yom HaShoah Observance

Yom HaShoah Observance


Wednesday, APRIL 23rd at 7:00 pm


• Traditional march of 2nd, 3rd & 4th generations of survivors

• Poignant stories and lighting of Six Memorial Candles

• Readings by our JRS students and Teens

Special guest speaker: Ambassador Krzysztof Szczerski

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Living Judaism

Living Judaism

Living Judaism is taught through a collaborative educational partnership with the Miller Introduction to Judaism Program of American Jewish University. We will explore Jewish culture, history, and wisdom in a setting where questions are more important than answers. Special experiences will include a Shabbat celebration, field experiences, mentorship, and more.

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Mensch Matters with the Men's Club

Mensch Matters with the Men's Club

Monday, April 28th:

We invite Men to join the Men’s Club for a new group that will meet three times this spring to focus on issues confronting Jewish men. Come together in a safe space to listen and share as we support each other on our journeys.

Contact Rabbi Dave for more Information.

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Tefillah Boot Camp with Cantor Cattan

Tefillah Boot Camp with Cantor Cattan

This introductory Tefillah course explores the structure, meaning, and spiritual significance of Jewish prayer, guiding participants through key prayers and their nusach (melodic modes). It aims to deepen participants’ connection to prayer, and to train the participants in leading weekday services. Participants should be able to read Hebrew.

In person at SPS

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Yom Ha’Atzmaut Kumzitz

Yom Ha’Atzmaut Kumzitz

Come together in celebration of Israel’s Independence Day with an uplifting Kumzitz led by Cantor Luis Cattan, accompanied by the incredible Shai Bachar & Dan Nadel.

Sing, connect, and immerse yourself in the soulful melodies of Israel as we mark this special occasion with music and community spirit.

A "kumzitz" (קומזיץ) is a Yiddish-derived Hebrew word meaning "come, sit down" and refers to a social gathering, often an evening event, where people sit together, sing, and share stories.

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Living Judaism

Living Judaism

Living Judaism is taught through a collaborative educational partnership with the Miller Introduction to Judaism Program of American Jewish University. We will explore Jewish culture, history, and wisdom in a setting where questions are more important than answers. Special experiences will include a Shabbat celebration, field experiences, mentorship, and more.

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My Jewish Journey

My Jewish Journey

Some paths in Judaism are unwavering, while others take sharp and unexpected turns. This in-person course will help you unravel the knots of a story only you can write—the story

of your Jewish journey.

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Living Judaism

Living Judaism

Living Judaism is taught through a collaborative educational partnership with the Miller Introduction to Judaism Program of American Jewish University. We will explore Jewish culture, history, and wisdom in a setting where questions are more important than answers. Special experiences will include a Shabbat celebration, field experiences, mentorship, and more.

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Living Judaism

Living Judaism

Living Judaism is taught through a collaborative educational partnership with the Miller Introduction to Judaism Program of American Jewish University. We will explore Jewish culture, history, and wisdom in a setting where questions are more important than answers. Special experiences will include a Shabbat celebration, field experiences, mentorship, and more.

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Living Judaism

Living Judaism

Living Judaism is taught through a collaborative educational partnership with the Miller Introduction to Judaism Program of American Jewish University. We will explore Jewish culture, history, and wisdom in a setting where questions are more important than answers. Special experiences will include a Shabbat celebration, field experiences, mentorship, and more.

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Living Judaism

Living Judaism

Living Judaism is taught through a collaborative educational partnership with the Miller Introduction to Judaism Program of American Jewish University. We will explore Jewish culture, history, and wisdom in a setting where questions are more important than answers. Special experiences will include a Shabbat celebration, field experiences, mentorship, and more.

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Shavuot Day 1 Schedule

Shavuot Day 1 Schedule

Sunday, June 1

Tot Shavuot - 5 PM

Shavuot Services - 5:45 PM
Shavuot Dairy Dinner - 6 PM (RSVP and details to come)

Shavuot Family Reunion - Imagine a family reunion attended by the Jewish ancestors - Moses, Lea, Abraham, etc - come explore, talk, and learn with the original Jewish family!

Tikkun Leil at 8 PM - Stay for the traditional Shavuot study on the theme of exploring our Jewish ancestors!

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Living Judaism

Living Judaism

Living Judaism is taught through a collaborative educational partnership with the Miller Introduction to Judaism Program of American Jewish University. We will explore Jewish culture, history, and wisdom in a setting where questions are more important than answers. Special experiences will include a Shabbat celebration, field experiences, mentorship, and more.

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Block Party

Block Party

The Block Center is hosting a BLOCK PARTY for the NYC Community. Join us on 51st street to celebrate SPS and the Jewish community with food, music, art, and special guests and programs for all ages as you find your place in our Jewish home.

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Living Judaism

Living Judaism

Living Judaism is taught through a collaborative educational partnership with the Miller Introduction to Judaism Program of American Jewish University. We will explore Jewish culture, history, and wisdom in a setting where questions are more important than answers. Special experiences will include a Shabbat celebration, field experiences, mentorship, and more.

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Seniors Book Club

Seniors Book Club

On Monday, March 24th @ 12:00PM

SPS member Barbara Rudder will lead the discussion on Beautiful Ugly by Alice Feeney

In person at SPS: Light lunch will be served

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Living Judaism

Living Judaism

Living Judaism is taught through a collaborative educational partnership with the Miller Introduction to Judaism Program of American Jewish University. We will explore Jewish culture, history, and wisdom in a setting where questions are more important than answers. Special experiences will include a Shabbat celebration, field experiences, mentorship, and more.

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Understanding Jewish Community with Rabbi Ain

Understanding Jewish Community with Rabbi Ain

Who are the people in your neighborhood? Sutton Place Synagogue is surrounded by many Jewish organizations that have a tremendous impact on Jewish life which helps Jews thrive. Join Rabbi Ain to understand the “alphabet soup” of Jewish organizations and how these local, national, and global organizations that are both in their legacy stages and start up phases make up in the important web of Jewish life that provide the inspiration, services, and support to Jews all over the world.

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Prophets Class with Rabbi Dave (In person at SPS)

Prophets Class with Rabbi Dave (In person at SPS)

Wednesdays @ 12:00 pm, minus Jewish holidays and vacation weeks. In-person Join us weekly as we read and explore the messages of the Prophetic section of the Bible. This year will focus on the "Latter Prophets" and use Abraham Joshua Heschel's writings to illuminate our studies.

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