KNS Exmissions
Kaplan Nursery School is small by design, and as such, we offer individual exmissions support, tailored to each family’s unique needs. The process begins the February prior to a child’s pre-k year. A one-on-one meeting with the KNS director, helps to demystify the process, and start each family off on the right path. Throughout the spring and fall, families meet with the director individually where they receive the support they need to help them navigate the system. Kaplan Nursery School is an ISAAGNY member school and follows the admissions guidelines and dates set forth by the organization.
In the past 5 years, KNS children have been accepted at the following Schools:
The Abraham Joshua Heschel School, The Allen-Stevenson School, Basis Independent School, The Birch Wathen Lenox School, The Browning School, The Buckley School, The Caedmon School, The Calhoun School, The Cathedral School, The Chapin School, Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School, The Dalton School, The Dwight School, The Epiphany School, The Ethical Culture Fieldston Schools, Friends Seminary, The Hewitt School, Horace Mann School, Hunter College Elementary School, Lower Lab School, Manhattan Country Day School, Marymount School of New York, The Nightingale-Bamford School, P.S. 59, P.S. 116, P.S. 183, P.S. 267, Ramaz, Riverdale Country Day School, The Rodeph Sholom School, The Solomon Schechter School, St Bernard’s School, St David’s, The Town School, Trevor Day School, Trinity School, United Nations International School, Village Community School.

Questions about Kaplan Nursery School?
Email us at knsinfo@spsnyc.org or call us at 212-826-6204
Miss the cut off for Nursery school?
Check out our Bridge and Toddler programs!