Celebrate Purim with the SPS community!

Bright Lights of Purim! Purim Mishloach Manot with Sutton Place Synagogue

For all members of SPS:

Young Professional Hamantaschen Baking

Tuesday, February 28 at 7:30 PM

Join us in person at SPS for a fun and festive evening!

Click here to RSVP

SPS Purim Carnival

Sunday, March 5, 10:00 am-1:00 pm

for birth-5th graders & families

6th-12th graders and parents can volunteer

Join us for our Purim carnival at SPS, complete with carnival games, glitter tattoos, and Purim activities!

Families sign up here for the carnival

6th-12th graders sign up to volunteer here

Email Mindy at mblonder@spsnyc.org with any questions.

Hamanlot: A Broadway Spiel-acle

The SPS Purim Spiel

Monday, March 6 at 6:00 pm in person at SPS

Join us for the SPS “Broadway” Purim Spiel and Megillah reading! We look forward to celebrating Purim with SPS community!

Traditional Megillah Reading and Morning Minyan

Tuesday, March 7 at 8:00 am in person and on Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting: https://spsnyc-org.zoom.us/j/96854185910?
Meeting ID: 968 5418 5910
Call-in Number: 646-876-9923

Email ajohnson@spsnyc.org for the password.