Celebrate Shavuot with the SPS community!

Sunday, June 1

Tot Shavuot - 5 PM

Shavuot Services - 5:45 PM
Shavuot Dairy Dinner - 6 PM (RSVP and details to come)

Shavuot Family Reunion - Imagine a family reunion attended by the Jewish ancestors - Moses, Lea, Abraham, etc - come explore, talk, and learn with the original Jewish family 

Tikkun Leil at 8 PM - Stay for the traditional Shavuot study on the theme of exploring our Jewish ancestors 

Monday, June 2

9:15 AM - Shavuot Morning Services, with parts of the service led by our Day School students

Kiddush following

5:45 PM - Services, virtual only, on the evening minyan 

Tuesday, June 3

Shavuot Morning Services with Yizkor at 9:15 AM