Celebrate Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah with the SPS community!

Simchat Torah is a true celebration of a completion of the Torah Reading cycle. We will close the chapter on the year gone by and begin again with so much to learn.

October 6 -Erev Shemini Atzeret

6:15 PM: Erev Shemini Atzeret Services (virtual and in-person)

October 7 - Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah

9:15 AM: Shemini Atzeret Services (virtual and in-person)

6:15 PM: Erev Simchat Torah Services (virtual and in-person)

October 8 - Simchat Torah

9:15 AM: Simchat Torah Services (virtual and in-person)


The rituals of Simchat Torah revolve around the completion and the beginning of the cycle of Torah readings. It is a special honor to receive the last aliyah of the Book of Deuteronomy. This year, Sutton Place Synagogue is delighted to announce that Susan Mickel has been designated Kallat Torah (Bride of the Torah).


After the concluding honor, we then begin the new cycle of Torah readings in the Book of Genesis. The individual given the honor of the first aliyah is called the Hatan Bereshit (Groom of Genesis). We are pleased to bestow this honor on Jeremy Reiss.