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JBC & SPS Book Series: Sarah Blake and Anna Solomon Present "Namaah and The Book of V" (Women's League Event)

JBC & SPS Book Series: Sarah Blake and Anna Solomon Present Namaah and The Book of V (Women's League Event)

Monday, February 22 at 7:00 PM

In both novels, Blake and Solomon give voice to women in our Jewish history who have been previously marginalized. Sarah Blake tells the story of Namaah, Noah’s wife and sets the story of Noah and his ark that we all know so well, on its head. Solomon explores the Purim story through history and the way it has silenced women and what happens when those women begin to speak.

Ellen Barnett will narrate this panel.

This is a Women’s League Event, but all are welcome!

This program is in partnership with The Jewish Book Council. We encourage you to purchase her book at

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Meeting ID: 963 5099 0494
Call-in Number: 646 876 9923

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2021 - Jewish Book Council.JPG
February 22

Evening Minyan

February 23

Morning Minyan