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The African American Performer Experience with a Jewish Composer Lens with Michael Gottlieb & Cantor Kanfer

The African American Performer Experience with a Jewish Composer Lens with Michael Gottlieb & Cantor Kanfer
Part 2 of the 3 part series: Understanding the Jewish community's relationship with Racial Justice in the United States

February 18 at 7:00 PM

On the nature of authenticity, can American Jewish composers capture the experience of the African American community? The question will be answered through narrative and music (live and/or virtual, e.g. you tube). We will also be joined by special guest, Rebecca Hargrove. Rebecca will share with us her experience as an ascendent African American Opera Singer. The program will include special performances.

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 927 0417 0362
Call-in Number: 646 876 9923

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February 18

Evening Minyan

February 19

Morning Minyan